In our workshops we use the purest quality Essential Oils which will not only help you to reduce toxins in your personal care products and around your home but help to support your physical and emotional wellbeing.
I am on maternity leave at the moment, but below are details from previous workshops and check back again or like my Facebook page for when the next workshop is announced.
Everyday Essentials
Reducing toxicity in your every day life is easy with a few quality ingredients, the right tools and a little help along the way. Join us for for a fun evening, we'll walk you through 5 easy and affordable recipes that you will use every day!
What we make?
* An all purpose cleaning spray
* Deoderant
* Shower Gel
* Armpit Detox (Demonstrated)
* Personal care wipes (Demonstrated)
Everyday Beauty Workshop
Creating your own simple every day beauty routine is easy with a few quality ingredients, the right tools and a little help along the way. Join us for morning tea and we'll walk you through step by step safe, easy and affordable recipes that anyone can do with our beautiful Essential Oils.
Mums & Bubs Workshop
Creating your own baby products is easy with a few quality ingredients, the right tools and a little help along the way. Join us for morning tea and we'll walk you through step by step safe, easy and affordable recipes that anyone can do with our beautiful Essential Oils.
Creating a Healthy Life with Essential Oils
Creating your own chemical free home is easy with the right tools and a little help along the way. Join us to learn how to use beautiful essential oils to make alternatives to commonly used cleaning products around the home!
What we make?
• An All purpose spray (Spray and Wipe Replacement)
• A Soft scrub (Jiff/Ajax replacement)
• A Body wash
• Foaming hand wash (Demonstrated)
• Bathroom freshener
DIY Christmas Gifts Workshop
Come along and learn how to make some beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts. This is a fun and hands on workshop where you will make 3 gorgeous products that you can keep for yourself or give away as gifts to loved ones.
Workshop Information
All workshop costs $20 per person payable on the door. The products we make you can take home with you as well as the written instruction booklet for future use.
What can you expect?
* A group of likeminded people
* Why and how to use Essential Oils
* Why you should ditch the chemicals
* Easy, affordable DIY recipes
* Lots of tips, tricks and resources